Google always develop their technology and created the glass which is called "Google Glass". It has been started to available for sell in 2014. Many people may know this google glass from internet or newspaper and wonder how it's work. And i will tell you more about it.
Google glass is combination of the technology with a glass that make the google glass difference from the normal one.
It have many functions that facilitate your life to be more comfortable in every ways.
How it's work?
Google glass show the data on the mini crystal screen on your right eye which can be commanded by touch on the touch pad on the right side or commanded by voice. Moreover it can be commanded by tilt your head.
These are functions of this google glass.
Taking photo/video
It can take a picture and shared on the google account by voice command. When you say "glass take a picture" it will automatically take a picture or even a videos can be.
When you say "get directions to.." It will automatically show your destination on your eye screen like a map.
It can translate the word in other language to English. It very useful when you go travel to other country.
Check in
Share every location you've been.
These are the function pf google glass. Actually it's more than that but I pick some interesting functions to let you know.
However the google is release in the first generation. Of course it is in developing. Recently Google deal with ray band and burberry to develop their google glass in the future.
Oh it's a good one, i like this blog.